Joshua Paul Lyons

Tinkerer | Creator | Software Developer

Cloud Native | Highly Scalable Applications


Hey there, I'm Josh. I am an endlessly curious maker who loves tackling novel problems and picking up new skills as I go. With a rich background in software development, helpdesk, system administration, DBA, networking, security, and project management, I bring a versatile skill set to the table.

Resumes can only tell part of the story. By sharing a few of my personal projects from the past few years, I hope to give you a clearer picture of how I tackle problems to see if you would enjoy working with me. Plus, it's a fantastic opportunity for me to explore some technologies I have had my eye on like Tailwind CSS and

Stay tuned! I'll be posting more of the details of the projects soon, I just finished the write up for the mosquito repeller below.


Mosquito Repeller

IoT Thermo Cell solution

Made the effective mosquito repellent system easier to use on a regular basis. Development through prototyping, lots of trial and error resulting in a custom PCB & app being made by the end. Plan to open-source this one.. long as I dont get into trouble.

C Espressif ESP32 IoT Rust C# WebApp
Click to expand details

Volume Control

Universal TV Remote

Created a Raspberry Pi-based IR blaster solution integrated with Apple Watch. A Flipper Zero made an appearance to capture IR codes to enable TV control from the wrist.

Raspberry Pi IR Blaster Flipper Zero Apple Watch

Unexpected Guest Alerter

Home Network Monitoring

Implemented a monitoring system using Unifi, Prometheus, and Grafana to create real-time alerts for reconnection of known wifi devices. Like phones, while they are parking...

Unifi Prometheus Grafana GO

AI, Please wait

A Patient AI Voice assistant

A locally-ran AI assistant that actually waits for a user to finish giving a voice command. It is a work in progress, inspired by an extended family member's fight with a neurodegenerative disease and how AI assistants cut off listening too quickly.

oAiHome AssistantvLLMMistral

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